Swan & Goose Count 12 March 2014

Oh weren’t we the lucky ones, the sun shone and the head of the Golden Eagle lit up and birds were everywhere.
This week saw some new swans come into our area as the birds slowly make their way north. 5 Tundra’s and 8 Greater White-fronted Geese were had as well, lot’s of eagles.
Only 5 participants this week but we did have the return of Deb who had been working on her tan down south, it had taken her a couple of weeks to get over her trip before she could manage some swans, it appears to many Tody’s were to blame.
Sheila once again came along, she really knows how to look after her man with a large box of cookies to spoil me, so here i was with four ladies again and i came away with just minor scrapes and bruises.
Quist’s Farm this week treated us to some amazing sights with Bald Eagles of all ages spread out in the trees and on the ground and it took a while before Ispotted the Golden Eagle and just as quick the bird flew, but luck was with us as it landed on the other side of the highway and posed in the sun, the scope was out and we all had some wonderful views of this great bird. Kurlene was at the ready with her camera and snapped many images, one of which is added to this message for your enjoyment.
Our next major stop was Sahilton Road where we saw the other Golden Eagle soaring over the road, it came right over the vehicle, but hold on we have a sunroof, it was quickly opened and we enjoyed this young bird go back and fourth over us, did I say we were the lucky ones?
It was then time to get down to business and start counting swans, a major crowd of these big white lumps had gathered and the numbers were climbing with each group. All of a sudden I started to see Tundra’s first a young bird and then two adults and as we all got good looks we had forgot about the eagle who had now landed over behind the swans and was doing this funny sort of dance. It was pretty obvious it had caught something and I tended to lean towards a large snake as the bird was having a bit of trouble with it and kept lifting it’s legs up as if the snake was winding around it.
Anyways back to the swans, I needed to confirm my counting, as I scanned through the birds a brown butterfly flew through my line of vision, first of the year, I think it was a Anglewing species more than likely a Satyr Comma one of the first to fly in the spring.
Koksilah Road west was next and yet another butterfly, this time trying to land on Christina’s windshield, this time I was sure a Satyr Comma it was.
We did manage some swans in a new spot up the road and then added some more along Riverside Road where a Great Blue Heron took off from a small pond
A good group of swans were in a field at the corner of Bench and Phipps and here we added another immature Tundra Swan.
We arrived at Dougans Flats and oh my was there a group of geese, but no sooner had we stopped than a truck came in from the far side of the fields, it was the model airplane guys come to fly their machines, of course all the geese took off and I pleaded with the feathered flyers not to leave as I had just done a estimate of their numbers, but would they listen, no. When we finally reached Dinsdales Farm of course there was a massive herd of geese and maybe just maybe that’s why the numbers are a little high this week, as I suspect they were playing games with us and wanted to be counted twice. Did I mention that when all the birds took off from Dougans a Cackling Goose was spotted in the crowd as they went over the highway.
Back at Dinsdales I got some White-fronted Geese in the scope and I suspect that they were the same 8 that we have had a couple of times before.
I have had enough of this typing, my little fingers are starting to ache, so until next week, have fun and keep your eyes open, things are happening it’s spring, well nearly anyways.
Just two more counts to go, so if you keep thinking you should come out you should do it soon, or you will have to wait until late fall.


Golden eagle
Golden eagle

thanks to Kurlene, enjoy
