Swan & Goose count Nov. 27th 2019

Young deer
Trumpeter swan
Eurasian wigeon sleeping
Female common merganser
Great blue heron
Trumpeter swan group
Geese on ice
California sea lion
Varied thrush
Pied American robin
Muscovy duck

The weather man had forecast strong winds and we managed to dodge most of it until the end of the count at Cowichan Bay where small white caps could be seen coming in from the south east. It did not take long for everyone to hide back in the vehicles.
Today saw only 6 eager counters take part with two of our regular party off gallivanting up island I believe, the men went in one car and the ladies in another just to keep the peace.
The numbers were all over the place this week with adult Swans being up just a few birds and immature going down while the goosies stayed around the same, we did mange one Snow Goose and several Cackling Geese. Most of the swan pack were up on Bench with a few family groups dotted around the valley to make up the numbers.
Eagle numbers went down as did Red-tailed Hawks but we did well for Falcons as we recorded three Merlin’s our first of this season, two Peregrine Falcons and one American Kestrel that has settled in up at the Exhibition grounds.
We only had a few deer this week and on very quick Squirrel that dodged the car wheels up on Herd Road. We looked for Elk in several locations but not hide no hair was seen of them.
What was an amazing miss there was not one Bald Eagle at Quist’s Farm, think this could be a record as we always seem to find some there. There were some duckies in the flooded field with Mallard, American Wigeon, Green-winged Teal and a handful of Northern Pintail.
Along Richard’s Trail we had a nice treat with a few Varied Thrush and one pied American Robin that showed some small leucistic dotes on it’s body and head. It was along the road further where we got our first Merlin.
The Herd Road flooded fields were loaded with both ducks and geese and I had spotted the Snow goose as we approached along the road. The Peregrine Falcon was once again keeping watch on it’s meal ticket just in case any interlopers tried to home in on it’s patch.
Hwy 18 was a bust with not a single bird to be counted, think next week I will start counting cows as they always seem to be out.
We soon found ourselves back for lunch, where a certain lady’s cookies were sorely missed. Dorothy we miss you please come back soon.
After a quick belly full of food we were off to Boys Road where it was hard going with hardly any raptors and no swans, we did find a confiding Great Blue Heron on the side of Sahilton Road that stood motionless waiting to have it’s picture taken, I totally forgot about it when we came back down the road.
What appeared to be a family group of Trumpeter’s were in the corn fields over on Koksilah Road west, it was here where we first got a glimpse of the girls who had lagged behind getting pictures, they thanked us for waiting for them, which we had no intention of doing anyways.
The next stop was Bench Road where the major flock of swans were located, I was tempted to get out the vehicle get the scope out and look for Tundra Swans but the wind and my bad hip made think twice about that fool hardy endeavor.
We then went to Dougan’s Flats where just one group of Geese were located and so we found ourselves quickly across the highway and down into Cowichan Bay where as I had said earlier it was not a good day day to be out along the Dock Road in the wind. I did spy a Eurasian Wigeon tucked in with all the other ducks in the corner of the estuary, they are not stupid these Europeans – know where to go when things get harsh.
We finished our day along the Cowichan River where we found the ladies who had lost us, they had found a nice big Sealion working the river for a Salmon supper.
That was it our day was done, not the best, but some great sights of birds. Lot’s of pictures this week as I know you like them.

Photo Credits
Young Deer by Derrick Marven
Trumpeter Swan by Derrick Marven
Eurasian Wigeon sleeping by Derrick Marven
female Common Merganser by Denny Wagg
Great Blue Heron by Denny Wagg
Merlin by Zan Stenhouse
Trumpeter Swan group by Zan Stenhouse
Geese on ice by Zan Stenhouse
Sealion by Zan Stenhouse
Varied Thrush by Barry Hetschko
Pied American Robin by Barry Hetschko
Muscovy Duck by Barry Hetschko