Swan & Goose Count, Jan. 28th, 2015

We did it again a wonderful day full of good birds. 11 birders set out this week, with the return of Eric and Dorothy and new boy Keith I was hoping that some sort of normality would ensure, but it was not to be, because as the day went on all hell broke loose with the troops.
This week again saw an increase in Swan numbers with the immatures again leading the way with 177 recorded, we have not seen this many younguns for several seasons. Goose numbers went up with one large flock numbering 550 birds.
Our count started at Somenos Marsh where it was very slow with 32 Swans and only 16 geese, it was then off down Drinkwater Road where a nice group of dickie birds were congregated on one of the bends; we sat and waited to see what was there and a lovely little White-throated Sparrow appeared in the ever increasing crowd of feathered seed eaters. Then down at the lake we were treated to over 200 Ruddy Ducks on the far side of the lake, one of the bigger flocks seen here in many a year. Also over the far side were 7 Greater White-fronted Geese in a Canada Goose flock.
Down the Hwy we went and along to Crofton Road where over 100 swans were counted, then it went really slow with hardly any raptors except for a nice look at a Peregrine Falcon along Westholme Road that shot off over the fields hoping to catch lunch.
Hwy 18 had a few swans and a group of Canada’s numbering just under 300 and then we spotted the Snow Goose (photo attached) right in the middle of the pack, this is not the first time we have spotted this bird here and it just goes to show how far these birds wander as the Snow Goose has been at Cherry Point Beach roosting for at least three weeks. A few swans and geese were counted along the Drinkwater Road fields and then it was time for our break.
Next on the agenda was the Boys/Sahilton Road area where we soon found the Sandhill Crane with a large group of swans on Modeste Road, this young bird is feisty and was seen too attack a swan that got in it’s way (photo attached)
Our next stop was along Koksilah Road west where we added 15 swans and we had a hawk identification course; some thought it was a cone and others thought it was a Coopers Hawk but after close study with the scope at full power and a few field mark details we was given the name of old Red-tail.
Bench Road that has seen some unsavory disturbance of birds lately had over 200 swans and a few geese. Dougans Flats was once again slow with just over 20 swans.
St Catherine’s Road was just filled with birds and when the dust settled we had 55 Swans and over 550 Canada Geese.
It then went slow again until we got down the Dock Road, just over 15 swans were seen and a few old friends were out on their bikes. It was here that anarchy took over, as we headed back down the road I once again saw the Short-eared Owl (photo attached) coursing the field and then a second bird, the car screeched to a halt and we were out and looking, it turned out the second bird was a female Northern Harrier (photo attached) and it was having a battle royal with the Owl, we watched as they played tag and then split apart, luckily the Harrier landed on a hydro pole (photo attached) where those with big lens got to have their way with this approachable bird. Then the owl landed and everyone started disappearing up the road, my calls to retreat went unheard and only a few of the group remained to look after the cars and cookies. Time went on and after what seemed an eternity the group returned, but then they wanted to do some swapping of seats in the vehicles, Jana had enough of us men and jumped in the female car and sent us Christina, who I had always thought was the leader of the felines, was she a spy sent to check out out numbers ?
We finally made it back to the dog park and I escaped to head home with my tail between my legs to face “she who must be obeyed”; well of course it did not matter what I said, coming home at this un-godly hour did not quell her temper, she ranted on about how could any birdwatchers have so much luck and use this as an excuse to stay out. I just crawled into my corner where I will stay until next Wednesday.

Big thanks to Jana and Barry for the photos

Snow goose
Snow goose
Sandhill crane
Sandhill crane
Short-eared Owl

Have fun