Hello Birders
The day started with 7 birders meeting at the dog park, one was sent packing as he had a nasty cold, didn’t want him contaminating the van.
With senior Derrick away counting Zebras and Hippopotami, Peggy had the honors of driving us around our route and what a wonderful job she made of it, getting round in almost record time, thanks Peggy.
As usual we encountered plenty of geese in Somenos with 200 being recorded, now that’s a good round figure. 2 Red-tailed Hawks were also seen. The mated pair of Mute Swans were breaking ice at the DU pond. Just over 20 swans were counted in Somenos and we had a couple of Lesser Scaup swimming out on the lake with some Common Mergansers.
Quist Farm came through with a nice showing of Bald Eagles (20), a few Trumpeters and a large gaggle of geese.
On Westholme we got a nice bunch of swans and the family with 5 immatures was at this location.
Richards Trail produced nearly 40 swans and a large group of geese; only the second time this season we’ve had geese here.
Nothing much happened after this, so we headed around to A&W for our P & T break.
Sahilton Road came through with nearly 150 swans, but no geese!
On Corfield Road a resident Peregrine Falcon flew sharply passed us and out over the highway.
Koksilah Road west had a few hiding swans, but our sharp eyes counted them.
Dougan’s Flats were a big disappointment with no swans although there was a large contingent of geese way out in the fields.
We whisked our way around to Koksilah Road east where we hit a good number with nearly 130 swans, two of which were adult Tundras although one of these garnered much debate, myself thought caution was the best way to go with this bird, but those with much more experience in these matters out voted me and so we registered two.
At this same location our second Peregrine Falcon of the day sat proudly up on a dead snag looking down at its next tasty meal below; Mallard possibly.
Dinsdale’s Farm had a major clump of geese with one skulking Cackler in their midst. Not wanting to count this mob I decided a good estimate would more fitting. It is strange that the swans have vacated this location as a group are usually there early in the morning when I pass by, I wonder if they may roost out on the fields at night.
We finished our count as usual on the Dock Road adding a few Mute Swans to our days total. Most of the ducks have now left the bay as the food source slowly diminishes.
What was discouraging this week was the lack of immature swans, we had one of our lowest ratios to adults ever recorded.
This week saw our second highest count for swans and our second highest count for geese this season, not bad for a bit of a rainy day.
Well happy birding and we’ll see you all next week