Hi Birders
Well I finally made it out to a count this year and it was nice to see all the happy counters, even got a hug from one enthusiastic follower. Eight people in two cars headed out from the dog park and before we had even got past Somenos Lake we had over 400 Canada Geese and over 30 Trumpeter Swans. Several Bald Eagles were in and around the Forest Museum and several were seen to take off over the lake. On the lake the numbers of Ruddy Ducks had dwindled to just 8 birds, maybe the lake partially freezing had something to do with the low numbers. A sleeping Horned/Eared Grebe was spotted and a pair of Pied-billed Grebes dove for food. A few more Bald Eagles were added as we headed north towards Quist’s Farm. We had picked up another 50 plus swans by the time we reached the Westholme Road.
I had forgot to mention that we were using walkey talkies to communicate between cars and for the most part it worked great especially if ours was turned on. “Truckers we are not”
The birds seemed to dry up from here on in to Duncan, but a nice immature Coopers Hawk gave us good looks off Drinkwater Road. We stopped for our usual break at our sponsers A&W and then it was then off to the south, Boys/Sahilton and Corfield Roads only handed us a few additions to our total although Corfield had a nice pair of Eurasian Wigeon for us to admire. It was now time to head west and at the Koksilah west corn fields we had the invisible Killdeer. I had spotted one with my bionic eyes but the others could not see the bird with my directions, so as not to loose face I put up the scope, even then some could not see the bird in the scope view, anyways I think all got too see the bird eventually,as they were looking I picked out 3 more skulking in the field. No wonder we never saw a Snipe?
Onwards we went and finally arrived at our new spot at Riverside and Shaw Roads, Cowichan Station, it didn’t take long before we were getting good looks at 4 adult Tundra Swans and 1 possible immature.We added over 60 Trumpeter Swans and about 150 Canada Geese here.
At Bench Road a large group of swans were way out over the fields and when counted we had added another 130 to our total. Dougan’s Flats added another 35 and then we were off to the east and St.Catherine’s Drive where a family group of 2 adults and 3 young were seen.
Working on a tip from Dave Aldcroft we headed to Telegraph Road and the old sod farm where another 65 swans were added.
I forgot that we had a nice pair of Lesser Scaup on Jim’s Pond who were diving for lunch.
Koksilah Road east had a major flock of geese that included over 20 Cackling Geese and several Dusky Canada Geese. We got skunked on the White-fronts but I was told they were down on Cherry Point Road so I was glad to hear that they had not left the valley.
We worked our way down through Cowichan Bay to Dinsdale’s Farm but as has been seen this year there were no birds. Some have said that the farmer has seeded with a different crop, which is a shame as these fields were purchased by Nature Trust for the birds.
We finished our day on the Dock Road and added a few Trumpeters to our list, it was low tide and we could not see any Mute Swans. As we left the resident Northern Shrike flew across in front of the car.
What was Bob doing in the back seat with those women? What happens on the Dock Road stays on the Dock Road.
Until we meet again
Happy Birding