On May 8th a group gathered at Cowichan Bay for the last Coastal Waterbird Survey until September. The Waterbirds were scare – apart from Double Crested Cormorants and Glaucous- winged gulls, we only observed a few Bufflehead and one female Common Merganser. The resident Mute Swans graced us with their presence. Great Blue Herons were busy flying back and forth to the heronry which is perfectly located in maples at the edge of the estuary. Purple Martins are back occupying some of the nest boxes on the old pilings.
Those pilings also offer a site for Osprey to nest and they have been doing so for many years. This year, however, a pair has chosen a different piling to build their nest.
Have you ever felt that you are being watched? River Otters are a common site at Cowichan Bay. This one was watching us as we watched for birds. Thanks to Wilma Harvie, our photographer, extraordinaire!
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