Why become a member?
Your membership supports:
- One or two $750 Bursaries for high-school graduates entering a post secondary program associated with the environment
- Nature education through bringing programs to the community
- Nature interpretation through signage in parks in the community
- Funding for children to attend Summer Nature Camps THE ERIC MARSHALL MEMORIAL BURSARY.
In addition, members receive:
- A subscription to the Valley Naturalist newsletter
- A subscription to BC Nature magazine
- A subscription to the email list of Naturenews
- Participation in outings led by knowledgeable Naturalists
- Participation in organized Citizen Science Projects
- The opportunity to meet interesting people!
Join now! Either fill out the form below, or download and fill out the PDF.
Or, Download application as PDF
Please send fee and donation by E-Transfer to cvns@naturecowichan.net