South side of the Estuary:
Sunday morning was a bit chilly but dry. Cowichan Bay, the mountains, and the sky were so beautiful in the early morning light that it was a challenge to keep our attention on the birds. Four eager counters, Christina Cutbill, Gail Mitchell, Hilary Stead, and John Scull counted 348 birds, 13 species. The results for December and January may be viewed at or on the Bird Studies Canada website at
For the February count we will meet at the Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre at 2:30 pm on Sunday, February 10. See you then.
North side of the Estuary:
Here is what three cold birders spotted on a glorious calm early Sunday Morning on January 13, 2013 from the north side of Cowichan Estuary: 1 Horned Grebe, 1 Canada Goose, 51 Trumpeter Swan, 220 American Widgeon, 232 Mallard, 8 Surf Scoter, 35 Bufflehead, 9 Common Goldeneye, 5 Hooded Merganzer, 3 Bald Eagle, 56 Glaucous-winged Gull, 1 Belted Kingfisher, 5 Northwestern Crow, and 1 Common Raven. Also spotted were 14 unidentified ducks. A total of 642 coastal birds, 14 species. Visibility was excellent although our spotting scopes were not good enough to identify the distant ducks.