Cowichan Valley Warblings 25th April 2013

Yesterday I met up with 7 or 8 enthusiastic butterfliers and we walked the train tracks at Cowichan Station the weather was spot on and was not long before we spotted our first butterfly a Cabbage White. At the meeting place a Red-breasted Sapsucker was drilling some wells in a large Maple. On the trip we saw and heard many species of birds and some were more co-operative than the leps. Our second species and the one that was the most noticeable was the Veined White, this location being one of the best in the valley for seeing this lovely white.
Ravens called overhead and some with better hearing than me heard Evening Grosebeaks. A Pacific-slope Flycatcher calling was the first of the year for the valley. As we moved on the butterflies became more abundant and Spring Azures, Satyr Commas showed well. It took a while but most participants got to see one of the rarer species a Moss Elfin as it rubbed it’s hind wings together while sitting on a sunny leaf.
Mourning Cloaks put on a good show and I think this is the most number of this species I have ever encountered here. A brief glimpse of what I judged to be a Green Comma was had, but the best I could do was to show everyone what to look for in the book.
I found that the Spring Azures were in low numbers which was a bit worrying as they are usually very abundant here. Sara Orangtips paraded back and forth, no this was not one of the participants but a nice little white with orange tips to it’s wings.
As we returned we ran into Mike Yip and his partner, he was there to try and get pictures for his upcoming book on the butterflies of Vancouver Island
As we neared the end a big battle ensured between rivaling Orange-crowned Warblers and we got nice looks as they showed their wares to each other.
Below is a list of the butterflies that we saw:

Cabbage White # 2
Veined White # 21
Sara Orangetip # 5
Moss Elfin # 2
Spring Azure # 5
Mourning Cloak # 6
Satyr Comma # 9
Green Comma # 1
Comma Species # 5

One of the best April days I have ever had for butterflies from this location. Some of the numbers could be low as leps were going in all directions.

In light of the way some of us looked on our return to the cars I am thinking of re-naming our group the Cowichan Valley Wobblers, it was hot and I think all were glad that it was over even though they all had a great time, I hope?

Derrick Marven