Cowichan Bay South
The birders on this beautiful sunny morning were Linda Hill, Kathy Coster, Wilma Harvie, Gail Mitchell, John Scull, and his visiting son Charley Scull. The tides were strange, with high tide at 2:30 am and slack water until 11 am. The birds we saw were:
30 American Wigeon; 4 Mallard; 110 Bufflehead; 5 Common Goldeneye; 1 Barrow’s Goldeneye; 3 Hooded Merganser; 5 Common Merganser; 100 duck sp.; 12 Double-crested Cormorant; 23 Great Blue Heron; 14 gull sp.; 11 Northwestern Crow;
We also saw but failed to identify a distant grebe.
Cowichan Bay North
On a beautiful sunny Sunday Bob Nation and Kurlene Wenberg saw the following birds:
12 Canada Goose; 1 Mute Swan; 4 Trumpeter Swan; 4American Wigeon; 52 Mallard; 1 White-winged Scoter; 29 Bufflehead; 4 Common Goldeneye; 2 Hooded Merganser; 5 Common Merganser; 2 Duck species; 2 Great Blue Heron; 41 Gull species; 1 Northwestern Crow.
On calm, partly cloudy day, Bryon Thompson and Freda Eckstein counted:
In the Verdier Point area:
1 Eurasian wigeon; 20 American wigeon; 15 Mallard; 3 Surf scoter; 32 Bufflehead; 11 Common goldeneye; 47 Barrow’s goldeneye; 2 Common merganser; 10 Red-breasted merganser; 1 Pacific loon; 4 Common loon; 48 Horned grebe; 1 Double-crested cormorant; 2 Bald eagle; 9 Mew gull; 8 Glaucous-winged gull.
In the Mill Bay area:
10 Mute Swan; 3 Canada Goose; 14. Mallard; 6. Bufflehead; 156 Common Goldeneye; 26 Barrow’s Goldeneye; 6 Common Merganser; 1 Common Loon; 8 Horned Grebe; 2 Great Blue Heron; 2 Mew Gull; 2 Herring Gull; 8 Glaucous-winged Gull; 22 Unidentified gull