On the south side of the Bay, Laurie Vasey, Linda Hill, Kathy Coster, John Scull, and Carol Milo were joined by two new volunteers, Daniel Collins and Carol Hannon, for an hour of bird counting and socializing on a beautiful morning in Cowichan Bay. The sea was like glass, reflecting the mountains and the mist.
2 Canada Goose; 5 Double-crested Cormorant; 6 Great Blue Heron; 2 Osprey; 2 Western Gull; 3 Glaucous-winged Gull; 39 other Gulls;
A few purple martins were swooping around, but they wouldn’t land to be counted and a harbour seal passed by.
John Scull
Lovely morning on the North side of the bay, where Kurlene Wenberg and Daryl Johnson
viewed thirteen species of birds on the calm, sunny waters. So many Common Mergansers.
Really a fun challenge to count them!
Mute Swan 27; Mallard 12; Surf Scoter 4; Common Merganser 94; Great Blue Heron 8; Osprey 3; Shorebird species 70; Mew Gull 20; Glaucous-winged Gull 33; other Gull Species 60; Belted Kingfisher 1; Northwestern Crow 1; Common Raven 1
Daryl Johnson
The next count is scheduled for 8 am on Sunday, October 8.