Coastal Bird Survey Cowichan Bay, Oct 9 2016

On October 9th Carol Milo, Wilma Harvey, John Wheatley, Dorothy & Eric Marshall and Todd Carnahan covered the south side of Cowichan Bay.

A toral of 141 birds were observed.


2 Unident. grebe

3 Double crested cormorant

56 Canada goose

11 American wigeon

45 Unident. Duck

21 Glaucous winged gull

3 Belted kingfisher

Carol Milo

On October 9, 2016, Kurlene Wenberg and Carol Hartwig spotted 13 species of waterbirds on Khenipsen Road, Cowichan Bay North for the BC Coastal Bird Survey.

A total of 427 birds were observed on a sunny party-cloudy day with calm bay state at high tide.


1 Double-crested Cormorant

3 Pelagic Cormorant

1 Great Blue Heron

1 Canada Goose

5 Mute Swan

35 American WIgeon

9 Mallard

1 White-winged Scoter (immature)

21 Surf Scoter

50 Unidentified duck sp

42 Mew Gull

257 Unidentified gull sp

1 Belted Kingfisher

Carol Hartwig