September Waterbird Survey

It has been a while since I have written anything here.  Who knows where the time goes?

The long dry summer seemed to cause me to draw into my shell.  Now we have had some rain, although  I am still hoping for more.  I do love this time of year – so much colour and thankfulness for the harvest.

September is the restart of our Coastal Waterbird Surveys.  I participate in the Cowichan Bay zone.  I am thankful for the people who come out to help.  Willie Harvie is one of them.  She is an outstanding photographer and the big lens she has on her camera, often helps us identify a bird that is some distance away, as she can quickly take a shot that we can view and compare to the Bird Guide.

One never knows what one will find on a survey.  Here are a couple of shots from Willie taken on our September count:

  1. Determining species of gulls is always a challenge!
  2. Sometimes it is good to look down!