Three observers, Daryl Johnson, Carol Hartwig and Kurlene Wenberg, conducted a Coastal Bird Survey on Cowichan Estuary North-Khenipsen Road Sunday, December 8, 2013 from 10 AM to 11:25 AM. Visibility was excellent during the high tide and there was no human disturbance. There were a total of 15 species that included 515 American Widgeon, 230 Unidentified Gull, 245 Bufflehead, 8 Common Goldeneye, 67 Mallard, 12 Mute Swan, 24 Trumpeter Swan, 11 Mew Gull, 6 Surf Scoter, 9 Hooded Merganser, 14 Bald Eagle, 2 Double-crested Cormorant, 2 Canada Goose, 1 Great Blue Heron and 2 Horned Grebe.
- Swan & Goose Count Dec. 4, 2013
- Coastal Waterbird Survey, December 8, 2013, South Side of Cowichan Bay