May 12 2013 Shorebird Survey – North side of Cowichan Bay

Hi Birders,
Thanks for the nice evening together birding. I just entered the birds and you were right, Bob, there was no way to record the swallows or even the purple martin on the form even once I asked for the longer form!! I did enter them in the
comments at the bottom of the form, however. I did check out the abundance and frequency of our counts and yes, there are just those blue boxes that don’t really mean much!! I will contact Karen and ask her about that!

So, here is what we saw:
52 Unidentified gull sp, 25 Mute Swan, 9 Great Blue Heron, 3 Belted Kingfisher, 2 Northwestern Crow, 1 immature Bald Eagle, 1 Northern Harrier, 1 Turkey Vulture, 3 Purple Martin, 2 Barn Swallow,
1 Violet Green Swallow, 1 Purple Finch and 1 House Wren.

Hope to see you again birding in the summer!
best, Carol