Christmas Bird Count – Jan. 1, 2013

Here are the results as I found them from the reports.

Count Totals 108 species, 28,730 individules

Participants # 51

New for count:
White-winged Crossbill #1

New Highs
Greater White-fronted Goose #37
Cackling Goose #36
Tundra Swan #3
Eared Grebe #2
Eurasian-collared Dove #49
Anna’s Hummingbird #143
Common Raven #506
Red-breasted Nuthatch #140
Red-winged Blackbird #1380
House Sparrow #516

Big thanks to all participants for their continuing support of our count.
Major thanks to the ladies who put on a wonderful spread of food, they as usual were the best sightings of the day after many hours in the field.

Derrick Marven
North Cowichan, BC